Google Adwords vs Facebook Ads: When to use each one?
Posted on September 9, 2015
It depends a lot on the product and the objective, read here example cases.
Google and Facebook are now the two most visited sites in the world and also in general terms, are two of the most attractive platforms for ad placement. However, with the communication strategy of a brand is not always easy to distinguish when you are interested in using Facebook Ads and Google Adwords.
You could say that Facebook Ads work better when you offer something and Google Adwords works better when the users proactively search your product or service and you want them to find you before they find your competition. We work with the two platforms and when somebody asks us which one do we favor the most, we simply say the most used answer in the marketing business: IT DEPENDS. It depends a lot on the product and the objective. Here are some examples for you to understand better:
One of our clients sells fire extinguishers. In this case, it’s more interesting investing in Google Adwords than Facebook Ads. Could you imagine navigating your Facebook page and long and behold in your newsfeed appears a post where they offer fire extinguishers from some company? It doesn’t matter how segmented your campaign is, the ad is invasive and a large percentage of the responses would be: “and why should I care?”, “Why would I want a fire extinguisher?”
However, let’s imagine that we have opened a public service office and that the law is to have a fire extinguisher. I have never bought one nor would I know where to get one. It’s very probable that I would search for the answer in Google, and like most I would use the word FIRE EXTINGUISHERS with the name of my city. In this situation, all companies that sell fire extinguishers are wishing that I would land on their page. Because in this particular case, the Google results would give me a lot more sales conversions than Facebook.
Wistupiku is a fast food franchise. When they have offers like 2x1 or a free drink with the menu, it’s more interesting to place their ad in Facebook than Google Adwords.
It’s rare for somebody to proactively search in Google OFFER 2X1 IN FOOD or FREE DRINK WITH THE MENU. In this case, we are the ones who have to search for the potential client via ads and for that Facebook gives us at our disposal, a huge database where we can hyper-segment geographically and interest wise. With that said, it is way more efficient than Google.
Gimnasio Gran Canaria. The client wanted to promote Yoga and Tai Chi courses with the difference that enrolling in a Yoga course is more common in Bolivia than a Tai Chi course. In this case the best for Yoga was Google Adwords because the people are used to searching subjects related to this discipline. However, for Tai Chi, it was necessary to create the necessity, the volume of related searches in Google was too low but by Facebook Ads, we created an interest in this new service.
If you have ever thought of advertising and you have any doubts or questions on which platform you should use or if you would like to share some of your examples with us, simply leave us a comment.